June 27 - Pass, Pass, and More Passes!

Before our ride today, I took a couple photos from near our hotel to show you what it is like in the Dolomite area of Italy.  From what I have seen so far, it is different than Switzerland and Austria because here the mountains are rock formations that go almost straight up.  This means there isn't much for hills around them so you can get really close to the mountain itself.  In other places, even when you are in the mountains, it seems like they are in the distance.  See for yourself.

The weather today was a mix of clouds and some light rain with a few rays of sun from time to time.  It did slow down our speeds over a couple of the passes but nothing we were not prepared for.  We did 5 or 6 more passes today including Sella (2,240 meters), Falzarego (2,105 meters) and Giau (2,236 meters). 

Here are a couple of interesting items from the day (beyond just the riding and views!)
  • We stopped in a town that is known for their metal working and there were these metal creatures spread throughout the town. Here are a couple of examples:

  • We stopped at the top of one of the passes that has a gondola that brings you to the top of the mountain where there is a restaurant.  There were many clouds in the area when we arrived and we could not even see the restaurant so at first we were hesitant to pay the price to ride to the top but then the clouds began to clear a little so we took a chance and it paid off.  The first picture is from the bottom looking up while the top was in the clouds.  The second photo is from the top looking back down. 

Here are 3 more photos from various parts of the ride today. The last picture is looking down into a very deep river gorge.  Now you can only walk and bike on the road/path; in the past, motorcycles were also allowed.  That would have been very cool!

A short bit on the roads and traffic on this trip.

  1. The variety of vehicles you see on the road is astounding.  All types of cars from Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, and other more exotics, to the more common BMW, Audi and others.  Motorcycles are the same way.  Almost every make and model from every manufacturer are here somewhere. 
    • This afternoon we saw several "test vehicles" that were covered in leather and other things to obscure their identity.
  2. The roads are generally in very good shape.  There are some small construction areas and some areas where the pavement is uneven, but in general, very good.  I wish Minnesota roads were this nice!  
  3. Most of the roads we are driving range from single lane roads (not many of these), to roads that are about 1.5 lanes wide with no lane markings (most of the roads) to those that are 2 lanes wide (but narrow lanes - not U.S. lane size)
  4. The drivers here are very good about sharing the road with the motorcycles and pedal bikers that seem to be almost everywhere.
  5. There is no such thing (in Italy) as "no passing" zones other than in towns.  On the roads, if you think it is safe to pass - go for it!  
    • You have to be brave and quick with your passing because there are not many opportunities.
    • When you come upon a line of vehicles you NEED to pass, in many cases we are sneaking by with the little road remains on left and pass what you can then sneak back in line before the oncoming traffic gets there.  Repeat as necessary until you are in front.
    • Passing construction trucks hauling rocks and double length accordion buses while driving up the switchbacks has it challenges and bring an extra level of excitement!
    • On this trip, I have had only 1 experience where someone did not want to let me pass.  I was following Charlie, our leader, and he went to pass someone in a black BWM.  I could see the car accelerate some as Charlie was passing.  Soon I had the opportunity to pass so I accelerated around and the driver accelerated as well! It took all the power the motorcycle had to get by.  He was not a happy camper about getting passed.
More riding in this area again tomorrow.  Our route will be determined in the morning based on the weather.


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