Blessings and Final Post

It is 2:30AM Saturday morning and I am writing my final entry.  My body is still adjusting back to the new time zone!  Thursday night I slept well and was able to sleep until 5:30 Friday morning.  I didn't make it that long today.  I believe an afternoon nap may be required today!

This will be the final post for this blog.  I hope you enjoyed following along.  This was indeed an epic trip for me.  The ability to put together this trip for both for work and the motorcycle riding went very well and all the objectives have been met!

As I was on this trip, many times I thought about how blessed I am in my life.  My wife Cathy that is always supportive of my endeavors whether it is for work, for motorcycling, or my other hobbies.  My daughters (Trisha and Lindsey) that are well established, on their own and making large contributions to society; what more could a parent ask for.  My family, my work, the list is endless.  I have been able to do things, go places, and accomplish sooooo much than I ever dreamed possible growing up as a farm boy in the little unknown town of Brownton Minnesota.  Count your blessings, share your blessings, and make the most of them!


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